Once a Cure4Hunger Food and Water Dome is built, it produces 100% organic food for decades. No matter how dry, windy, wet, hot or cold outside, Cure4Hunger Food and Water Domes keep food safe and secure inside disaster proof domes.
Cure4Hunger is chartered to build 15,000 Food and Water Domes in 150 nations providing fruits, vegetables and fish in these domes. One hundred percent of all fresh water is provided by water atmospheric generators, which harvest 1,320 to 5,000 gallons of fresh drinking water 365 days a year.
Four compact Cure4Hunger Gravity Gardens Systems (10x10x15 feet) are equivalent to growing seven acres of outdoor farmland or 15 acres when poor harvest sections of flooded land or land near walk way or roads where crops receive high amounts of dust are added. Each robotic cylinder system produces more 100% organic crops per square foot in recorded history.
Construction of a Cure4Hunger Dome takes less than 30 days due to ease of design and is half the cost of a traditional building being 50-75% more energy efficient. The grow domes maintain the best environment (temperature and humidity) more effective and affordable than any other indoor farm. Within 15-20 years the energy savings pay for the entire cost of the grow dome.
Each disaster proof grow dome comes with a 100 year warranty and can withstand F5 hurricanes and tornados up to 400mph. Domes are also fire proof, bullet proof, termite proof, flood proof, reflect EMP’s and have an anti-liquefaction option for earthquake regions around the world. Cure4Hunger has a 10 year OEM license contract with SafestHouse to build the disaster proof domes at cost plus 3% royalty license fee.
Cure4Hunger’s innovative game changing invention grows unlimited crops safely and securely indoors regardless of the outside environment. More than 450 cities worldwide have populations of more than 1 million people. Building a 50-Story Cure4Hunger Tower will store the 200+Million pounds of fruits and vegetables produced annually from just 20,000 square feet of downtown land. Once a Cure4Hunger Dome is built, it produces money and food day after day, year after year, decade after decade maximizing harvests while using very little land and water to produce abundant food.
Cure4Hunger is the only company in the world that can guarantee delivery of any quantity of 3,000+ fruits, vegetables, plants, trees and flowers with a ten year price protect agreement. Cure4Hunger can build one of 3,000 type food domes for any food buyer providing 20% lower prices than their last three years average cost if Cure4Hunger builds the dome next to the distribution center. This eliminates transporting food hundreds or thousands of miles away as imported food costs consumers 20% higher prices. Cure4Hunger doesn’t import food, they import a hi-tech robotic farming technology equipped safely inside disaster proof domes to their customers eliminating issues food buyers face worldwide.
Cure4Hunger then takes 90% of all profits and builds twin Food and Water Domes in more than 150 nations poverty regions over the next decade and beyond to eradicate hunger by 2025. By using one million times less water than traditional outdoor farming with 100% of water collected from the atmosphere saves the world trillions of gallons of water each and every year. Each Gravity Garden has 420 “Crop slots”. A four system rack takes up only 10x10x15 space grows 1,680 crops.
This game changing technology integrates robotic Gravity Garden Systems with 100% of water used to grow the crops collected from the atmosphere allowing all farms worldwide to have the exact same PH levels best-suited for the types of crops grown.
In addition Cure4Hunger Domes do not require any water from the ground, which in many places is not suited for growing crops. This is why a Cure4Hunger crop grown in Gravity Gardens with Water Atmospheric Generators will taste the same on any continent.
In addition to crop domes, there are state of the art fish breeding domes. Cure4Hunger is dedicated to the highest standards of responsible and humane fish breeding. All Cure4Hunger food domes have video surveillance for the public to monitor.